GLSEN Greater Cincinnati

GLSEN Greater Cincinnati 2019 Youth Summit

Youth Summit is a FREE day-long event that draws LGBTQ and allied youth from all over the Greater Cincinnati area. The day includes a resource fair, lunch, workshop sessions, dinner, drag show, and dance. 

While the Youth Summit is designed primarily for middle and high school youth, it also includes a family/elementary school track and both 101 and 201 educator tracks. Contact hours are available for both educators and social workers. 

2019 SCHEDULE OF EVENT (Subject to change):
10:30am-11:45am - Registration and Community Resource Fair
11:45am-1:00pm - Lunch/Opening Assembly
1:00pm-6:00pm - Workshops
1:00pm-4:00pm - Elementary (Grades K-6) Programming (see note below)
6:00pm-6:30pm - Dinner
6:30pm-9:00pm - Drag Show followed by Dance

A note on elementary-age programming:
Elementary age (Grades K-6) programming will happen from 1:00pm - 4:00pm during the Youth Summit. We will be offering camp-like activities, such as arts and crafts, as well as providing a few mini-workshops that come from GLSEN's Ready, Set, Respect curriculum. Our goal in providing this space is to provide an opportunity for younger children to socialize with other children around their age experiencing similar things. The elementary programming will be set in Room 324 during the entire time. Also during this time, we will be offering a parent track for parents who are seeking resources that can help them better support and advocate for their children.

Want to join GLSEN as a Youth Summit sponsor? Email [email protected]

Any other questions about Youth Summit? Email [email protected]